Éxxita becomes part of the Radia Program to incorporate women with disabilities

The two pillars of the social commitment of CyG It Sustainable Tech are the commitment to equality along with the inclusion of sectors with higher difficulty of insertion in the labour market. This commitment is shown in its Talent politics, and thus, the company has begun to be part of the program Radia, Women´s Digital Inclusion led by ONCE Foundation, CEOE Foundation, and the Conference of Social Councils to benefit the inclusion of women with disabilities in a digital working context. What it is aimed with this project is to increase the feminine presence in a high impact and projection sector as the technological is.

There of, CyG will join in its phase #RealWork with the incorporation of two students in the area of machine learning. The participants that pass to this phase will receive a digital and personalised formation supported by mentors to realise the traineeship in the selected enterprises. All of this looks to increment their job opportunities, with the supervision of an internal professional.

“We think it is a fantastic initiative that provide value to the economic, social, and talent incorporation” points out Mamen Blanco, director of the company’s Talent, who also assures that “It is an honour to CyG to join a project promoted by big foundations at a national level whose reputation and contribution to society is unquestionable”.

“It is a fantastic initiative that provide value to the economic, social and Talent incorporation in a high impact and projection sector as the technological”
Mamen Blanco
Director of the company’s Talent

Hence, CyG It Sustainable Tech goes a step further within the social commitment of the company through its Talent politics, and in this case, with collaborating programs such as Radia, a leading project in fighting the labour gap in the technological sector.

For more information, write an email to the following direction: info@exxita.com.



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